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If your teeth show signs of discolouration or you would like to have a better smile, tooth-whitening is a safe, affordable and gratifying aesthetic service.

“Dr Vipul offers highly professional teeth whitening treatment that is tailored to you and your smile goals, ensuring ethical treatment and impressive results.”

Whitening – How it Works

Enamel and dentine are semi-permeable, like sponges, so the peroxide gel can diffuse through them to whiten teeth. As bleaching gel breaks down, it reacts with the pigment molecules (stains and natural tooth colour) within the tooth, changing the properties of the molecules and creating the appearance that the tooth is whiter.

Your teeth-whitening journey with Vips

During a comprehensive consultation Dr Vipul will carefully assess the causes and severity of tooth discolouration. We will discuss any lifestyle habits that may cause future staining as well as any medications that may cause tooth darkening.

Your whitening treatment plan will be tailored to your preferences, lifestyle factors, timing and previous experiences.

For smiles that last

Although tooth-whitening  is not permanent, it can last up to 3 years on average for most people.

Maintaining the results is easy if you brush, floss, and rinse your teeth daily. You should also avoid eating the following foods and drinking certain beverages:

  • Black tea and coffee (if in doubt, use a straw)
  • Wines, both white and red
  • Carbonated beverages (dark-colored soft drinks and light-colored soft drinks)
  • Berries and other foods with strong colors
  • Sauces (soy sauce, tomato sauce, curries)
For more information regarding this treatment
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"I was seen by Mr Vipul Patel. Very nice manner, I was very impressed. Will certainly recommend and have booked the rest…"


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